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Month: June 2022

Explaining The Inexplicable

Explaining The Inexplicable

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16) Sharing the life of Christ with young children is actually much harder than one may think.  The healings, the raisings from the dead and the other miracles are accepted readily enough.  But the rejection, the blind hatred, and the suffering—how to frame that? It’s a serious question and a vitally important one, because every youngster deserves…

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Are You Okay?

Are You Okay?

Those who have taken even a short course in first aid should be familiar with techniques for use when encountering an apparently unconscious person.  One priority is to ascertain whether the individual is responsive to stimuli.  This may be accomplished by gently shaking a shoulder (or tapping the body firmly) and asking, “Are you okay?” or words to that effect.  What to do next is dependent upon the victim.  If there is a reaction, one path is taken; if no reaction is observed, another…

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Recruiting For Christ—The Fine Print

Recruiting For Christ—The Fine Print

“Good morning and welcome to the Christian Recruiting Center.  It’s gratifying to see so many fresh, eager faces—people seeking joy, peace, love and mercy; people hungry for change, adventure, excitement, and a chance to see the world, perhaps…? “Hmm-m?  Yes, that’s definite.  Anyone who truly believes will see the glory of God.  Any other questions before we get started?  Yes?  Did everyone hear the question?”  [Repeats it:] “Is it true that those who serve the Master will get a chance to meet Him?”  Affirmative.  Our God is willing to have a personal…

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Arrested Development

Arrested Development

Detainee 756 was well and truly terrified.  He had been awakened out of a sound sleep by a booming crash, as his front door was kicked in.  Three men burst through the splintered opening and made straight for him, as he rose from his bed and crept down the hall to investigate.  His arms were seized and pinned painfully behind him, while a black hood was forced down over his head.  Before he could protest or ask any questions, he was hustled downstairs to…

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